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Meet Arjun

When he's not slaying spreadsheets and conquering corporate boardrooms, Arjun is engrossed in his MBA at IIM, perfecting his business strategy like a grandmaster in a chess game.


Fun Facts


Rumor has it, the CAT exam adjusts its difficulty based on Arjun's performance. He's single-handedly responsible for thousands of sleepless nights among aspiring MBA students.


Arjun's life is a perfect blend of spreadsheets, case studies, and the occasional existential crisis about ROI.


As a manager, Arjun has mastered the art of delegation. His motto? "Why do it yourself when you can make someone else do it?"

Bio data:

Born: July 6, 1996

Drinking Pepsi: 1996 - Present

Topping CAT exams: 2019 - Present

The Fire